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**Official At Work Thread**

Originally posted by Ellen:
I am at work too unfortunately.

back to work!
Originally posted by RonMexico:
back to work!

I'll think about it.
[wave] from my lonely desk of solitude and dispare
dont u ever wish u were at home thinking about people who are working right now?
well im livin the dream baby
If I was at home I would be doing something productive
if i was at work i would be sleeping
if your not at work why are you posting in the at work thread? Hmmmm
Originally posted by RSerda1:
if your not at work why are you posting in the at work thread? Hmmmm

cuz im at work supporting this site
well just thought I would pop in while checking my email see you when I am at work [wave]
Slooooow day at work, thank god it's a Friday.
rserda where do u work
-sigh- at work again. Won the Lotto last night, to bad the prize was only $2. And that is not enough to stop working.
or u can ignore my question
well thats what I was doing but thanks for pointing it out [up]
2 o'clock...soooooo ready to go home.