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10 character minimum for posts

Is this the end of post whoring?
Yeah. You can't just post a smiley and make that you're post. You have add a "lol" and ****. It's alright. We can just make meaningless posts like this one.

man well i always talk a lot so its no problem for me, i have alot to complain about, and also i alwasy have my man kobe to talk about
Originally posted by Apples:
Is this the end of post whoring?

No we just have to be more creative
it just means you have to be creative

stuff like ***lol***
lol wow
u guys funny =]
how many different ways can you evade the 10 character limit
? .
Originally posted by clicheGuevara:
? .

I just used the space-bar a lot. I do like the 10 character minimum though.
meh .
three to the third power meh
What the hell is this about?
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^didnt even have to use my space bar.