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football questionnnnnnn

ok so my team beat napa last night 60-7
and i had 2 picks and one i brought back like 28 yards and got my foot grabbed and pulled at the 4 yard line and before i fell i pitched it to my dude cj behind me and he scored

does that count me as a fumble?
or does it give him a td off a what?
and do i still get yards for the int?
im confused

im not trying to be selfish imjust wondering
Does it really matter as long as you scored. Stop worrying about yourself and just be glad your team won
Originally posted by RSerda1:
Does it really matter as long as you scored. Stop worrying about yourself and just be glad your team won

wow i just said im not trying to be selfish im just wondering

even if it wasnt me i still want to know how thats scored ya know
I believe you get credit for the INT and the 28yrds. Your teammate gets the credit for the TD. You pitched the ball to him
ok thats cool
i just never experienced it so i was curious

but it was major sick tho :)