There are 15 users in the forums

Where did everyone go? =[

Originally posted by King49er:
someday you'll be back on top

King you are too funny
Hey everyone. Or anyone that happens to read this. I just created a profile tonight on 49ersWebZone bcuz the Niner seahawk game had me so disgusted I needed to vent, and Ive been a regular visitor to the site for a few months now. ANyway, its sad to see that not many ppl use this forum! Afterall, the Giants have won 3 WS titles since the last post before this one!! Knowing how popular the Giants are and have become lately, I cant believe there aren't tons of people on here wanting to talk Giants!! Let's go people!! I'll talk Giants everyday, even in offseason or during a bad season. It's funny to read through this thread in the beginning back in 09 hearing ppl talking about firing Bochy. Now look at him. Hall of Fame bound.
Invite some friends. Yeah, during the season, it is just a small group of us chatting about games. Then everyone tends to take the offseason off. But I will be here during the offseason if anyone else is here. So much can happen during an offseason, as we have already seen.
So....... Where DID everyone go?
Originally posted by Poncho707:
how come this site is slowly dying ?

Is it dead?
Big Ron last posted 2 years ago lol.

He's the 49erWill of this place
Originally posted by Janitor:
Big Ron last posted 2 years ago lol.

He's the 49erWill of this place
