Originally posted by kodiakgiant:are you being sarcastic?
Not at all.... I hated skip Bayless until I saw that... That was seriously the first time I heard someone other my friends and I have those arguments for Bonds. It's rediculouse how they can see one type of dishonest behavior greater than or worst than another. If Bonds stroked these reporters and writers off all these years and kissed their a$$ every chance he got they would all be singing different stories...... And I'll say this once again.... Bonds' steroid use is speculation. I refuse to be talked into thinking otherwise by the most famous argument, " c'mon you know he did steroids!" It's like if I were to say "c'mon you know Obama wasn't born in America, I mean look at all the evidence.... (long awkward pause)" all circumstantial!
I've showed that video to all my friends! Seriously glad you found it.