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is it sad? anniversary of 756

Originally posted by kodiakgiant:
are you being sarcastic?

Not at all.... I hated skip Bayless until I saw that... That was seriously the first time I heard someone other my friends and I have those arguments for Bonds. It's rediculouse how they can see one type of dishonest behavior greater than or worst than another. If Bonds stroked these reporters and writers off all these years and kissed their a$$ every chance he got they would all be singing different stories...... And I'll say this once again.... Bonds' steroid use is speculation. I refuse to be talked into thinking otherwise by the most famous argument, " c'mon you know he did steroids!" It's like if I were to say "c'mon you know Obama wasn't born in America, I mean look at all the evidence.... (long awkward pause)" all circumstantial!

I've showed that video to all my friends! Seriously glad you found it.
im glad i was awake at 6 am to see it. and why are we the black eye for steroids in baseball? and the poster child for the steroid era? was bonds the first one to use steroids(even though it was never proven that he did)? were the giants the team with the most users? did they win the most games and win the most world series? now that melky has popped all this is raining down on how the giants are the one team that never should have let this happen again........seriously
Pepper I understand the gist of your argument but the information about Obama being circumstantial is false. He wrote a book and included much of the information in it for God's sake. I don't care what your politics are, the man should never have been allowed to run. He holds dual citizenship... not that I'm trying to start a political conversation here. I just hope that people aren't falling for the circumstantial argument. What the Government used to go after Bonds were...

Jilted ex lover... the Brother of this same *ahem* lady... Initials in a Calander showing a positive test... his association with a known gym rat who distributed the stuff and his acknowledgment of using a clear and a cream substance although there is no container with his prints on it and no laboratory test showing exactly what those two substances were exactly. He didn't answer a question fully and the judge sitting on the last case informed the jury incorrectly that they had to find him guilty. So here the guy is with a charge that by all rights SHOULD have been dismissed as the only thing they have him on.

If people are pigeonholing us I guess they need to take a good hard look at the Diamondbacks who had what 7 starters all get popped for Steroids? Including 2 Starting Pitchers? Giants had 2 definite positives, 1 accused and now Melky. Screw those lunatics if they point fingers at the Giants. The Yankees had more Roiders than the Giants ever have.

you got that wrong ceaddaman, the yankees HAVE