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Official Cubs at Giants series thread - starts 8/29/11

Monday, August 29 - Cubs - 7:15 pm - Lincecum vs Wells
Tuesday, August 30 - Cubs - 7:15 pm - Vogelsong vs Garza
Wednesday, August 31 - Cubs - 12:45 pm - Bumgarner vs Lopez
Season it already over. Just wanting to see if anyone gets 60 RBI's or 14 wins.
Over?! We are only 4 games back and still have 6 games to play against Arizona.
We got the best possible hitter with Beltran, but he just became every other Giant. We can all assume Bochy has had "talks" with the players, maybe even Sabean has had a say with them as well. But no change in the offense, in fact we are getting worse. Something dramatic must be done to change this team, because at this point they will not make the playoffs.

Here are a couple of things they can do, but won't. Firing Bochy is not an option, since we won the WS last year, but that would shake this team awake for sure. A more likely option would be to fire BamBam, and hopefully that will do it enough, so you'll hear the players say, "It's sad to see him go, it wasn't his fault, it was "us" the players, we are responsible for the offense". And hopefully they will change, and start getting their heads in the game and start caring, because right now they don't.

An easier option, would be to bench the non-hitters. Huff, Cab, Torres, Rowand...etc. and bring up some young players who are NOT being influence, by old players, BamBam and Bochy. But to be honest, I don't think that will be enough, just like adding Beltran didn't do the trick and don't see Bochy playing the young guys anyways, until we are 100% out of contention.
I am guessing Twincecum Pitched last night.