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Fan Fest

The 18th annual KNBR/SFGiants Fan Fest is set for Saturday, February 5th at AT&T Park (11:00am-3pm). Grab autographs from Giants players past and present, snap a picture with the World Series Trophy, walk the field, sit in the dugout, get up close with players and coaches at the Q&A Stage and don't forget to bring the kids to the Junior Giants Zone.

For info: SFGIANTS.COM/FanFest
Giants Fan Fest |Saturday, Feb 5th
Do you think there will be a lot of the players from the current team? Or just a few mixed in with past players?
Most of the players will be there. They were last year. You just had to look for them. The problem will be the weather. Supposed to Rain on the 5th. Still, I wish I could go. Susan and I will be in ClearLake for the 1yr birthday party of our youngest grandson.