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My ideal line up

Lf velez
Rf winn
2b sanchez
3b panda
Cf rowand
1b garko
ss renteria
C Molina

Velez is hot and until he cools off he's our guy at the top. Winn's ability to take pitches and experience is good enough for 2nd. Sanchez is my 3rd because I think he can become a michael young type player in this park he is An ideal 2-hole hitter but we have no power so... Panda 4th for obvious reasons. Rowand 5th drives the ball well and has power. Garko 6th has pop and good ops. Renteria unfortunately has to bat somewhere so 7th because his good risp behind our two better obp guys maybe can drive them in when they get on and lastly Big money 8th until he starts hitting this is where he needs to be. His good slg% and low obp are good reasons why he bats here and his lack of speed won't be a factor infront of the pitcher. This is a very brief analysis, but want to here opinions.
So this is a lineup created due to injuries. Can't be your "ideal" lineup.
Originally posted by BigRon:
So this is a lineup created due to injuries. Can't be your "ideal" lineup.

Yeah of course i should have stated that! Lol
My lineup

1. Eugenio Velez (as long as he is hitting well. hes swinging and missing at bad pitches but shows poise in 2 strike counts.)

2. Freddy Sanchez (get on base for panda)

3. Pablo Pandavol (best hitter in 3 spot.)

4. Nate Schierholtz

5. Ryan Garko

6. Aaron Rowand

7. Edgar Renteria

8. Bengie Molina
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Uribe =]

iunno i probably just put like 3 guys in the same position cuz im not thinking right now
i have uribe at SS tho cuz as of right now im more confident with him coming through than rentaria
and i think garko needs to stay in the 7th spot till he learns to hit a baseball on the giants

And if im correct, nate has batted 4th for us a few times and everytime ive seen him there hes done good like at least a 2-4 so im cool with him there cuz when sanchez or panda is on 1st..its not the inning ending DP
Rowand [CF
sanchez belongs hitting 2nd. cant wait till we get a big time power bat hitting behind pablo. we get that bat and pitcher will pitch pablo differently.
I didn't but Nate because he Is hurt right now. And although I agree sanchez is a 2-hole hitter he can bat 3rd on our team giving panda more baserunners in front of him. Sanchez is a gap hitter and we have great alleys where he can hit it just like michael young but with a lil less power
Originally posted by Fred Flintstone:
sanchez belongs hitting 2nd. cant wait till we get a big time power bat hitting behind pablo. we get that bat and pitcher will pitch pablo differently.

I dont know when that is going to happen. The Giants have no one like that in the minors even close to being ready, have no one to trade for that kind of bat (not counting Bumgarner, Posey, Cain or Lincy) and its doubtful that a big time hitter is going to want to play in our park.

The Giants are going to have to be content with leaning on their pitching. I would love for them to get a real leadoff hitter that can spark the team. The ideal player would be Carl Crawford who is likely going to be traded by TB in the off season. I just dont know who the Giants would be able to move form a great player like that.

Adam Dunn should have been the guy that the Giants went after. He would have been that big time power guy that would have made an impact in this lineup in my opinion.
As far as lineups go.. depends on if you are facing a lefty or righty in my opinion.

1) Rowand
2) Sanchez
3) Panda
4) Garko - owns lefties
5) Molina
6) Nate
7) Renteria
8) Velez - speed at bottom of order

1) Velez - LF while he is hot anyway
2) Winn - RF
3) Sanchez - 2b
4) Pablo 3b
5) Nate rf
6) Molina c
7) Ishy or Garko 1b
8) Rowand cf
Molina hitting 8th is all I care about.Why the F@@K is he still hitting cleanup. Its blows my freaking mind he has 10 rbi's in his last 30 games or so. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lmao at people who want to push Bengie all the way down to #8, as if all of the sudden Renteria is a much better hitter.

Bengie may be a headache, but please don't act like we have better options than him. He should bat 6th imo
1. LF - Velez - while he's hot, Nate when he cools down
2. 2B - Sanchez
3. RF - Winn
4. 3B - Panda Pablo
5. 1B - Garko
6. C - Elli Whiteside!
7. CF - Rowand
8. SS - Renteria

get rid of molina, bring up posey or play eli w.