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Kevin Frandsen

It has been a fun experiment but really it has blown up in our faces. Kevin was supposted to be the second coming of Robby Thompson. We could hit, he could field his position, and he was a local. He hasnt hit even when given the AB's. He is maybe slightly above average as a fielder. The only really nice thing for him about being a local is that he can have guys like Posey stay at his parents house while he was playing in San Jose. Let him loose after the season and upgrade at this 2 base.
I think Velez would rake more than Downs burt Velez defense wurt kinda hurt us.
The idea of seeing Velez in the majors again EVER makes me throw up in my mouth :(
Originally posted by treason22:
The idea of seeing Velez in the majors again EVER makes me throw up in my mouth :(

You sure about that now?

Frandsen is the one making me ill right now.
Originally posted by treason22:
The idea of seeing Velez in the majors again EVER makes me throw up in my mouth :(

I like Frandsen, he really hasn't been given a fair oppurtunity in the bigs. He was always sitting the bench for like 4 days straight then they would put him in the lineup and sit him another 3 games. I would find it very difficult to get a rythem down when you don't know when you are playing. It is not like he wasn't making any contact either, he was but they were right at sombody or that fielder made a nice play. The Giants atleast should have left him in their once Buriss went down. Heck they gave Luis Castillo a longer oppurtunity then Kevin and that guy was horrible!

By the way, what is up with all the hating on this kid. He is a local boy who grew up routing for the Giants! You don't have to like everything about him, but at least show him a little respect he is one of us after all.
Fransden only around until we find out if F.Sanchez is back next year. There is a clause in Sanchez's contract that if he doesn't get 600 abs then he doesn't get his 8M next year. He could be a FA next year if he doesn't get his 8M. This is a distinct possibility since he has missed games this week and could miss more.
they better sign him or sabean will look even more stupid and thats taking it to a new level and should straight up be fired and then punched in the face.